Friday, September 27, 2013

How To Ruin a Great Design: Response

I don't have much to say on it.  While the sloppy design can make a sign, or any product, hard to understand or interpret, it's still serving it's function.  This article was more of a rambling complainer than an argument.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Nonfunctional Product Idea

A cup covered in oil and lit on fire. It's a sure way to burn your hands, but will undoubtably keep your drink piping hot!

Functional Product Idea

Ever want to go to the Wawa but not want to leave the comfort of your bed? Need to get work but need to stay relaxed for that big meeting? Then the car bed is here to help. Apply wires leading to the steering wheel through the springs in the bed to attached wheels under bed, add gas and brake pedals at the front, and voila!

Friday, September 6, 2013

I have the ability of using the internet, how to download programs, and the use of all Microsoft programs.

What is your current major in this class?

Computer Graphic Design, presently.

What do you hope to get out of this class?

How to design characters and how to create pictures for games.

Crush 40 is my favorite artist

I have a desire to play video games professionally.  I am good at video games, as I have played them all my life.  I have a lot of fun playing them, but I also enjoy the challenge.  I will rise to any challenge any gamer brings my way.  I'm not afraid to stand my ground.